Dark Ambient – Soundscapes – Noise

is a highly experimental music genre that emerged in the late 20th century. It is known for its dark and brooding soundscapes that often incorporate unconventional instrumentation and eschew traditional song structures. This genre of music is characterized by its immersive sonic landscapes that aim to evoke a particular mood or emotion in the listener.

Dark Ambient – Soundscapes – Noise typically features a wide range of sounds, including field recordings, found sounds, and processed samples. The use of distortion, feedback, and other noise-based effects is also common in this genre, giving the music a raw and abrasive quality. This genre of music often employs dissonant and atonal elements, creating an unsettling and eerie atmosphere.

Dark Ambient – Soundscapes – Noise is popular in the underground music scene, and many artists have released albums in this genre over the years. Some notable artists in this genre include Lustmord, Raison d’être, In Slaughter Natives, Desiderii Marginis, Sanctum and Terra Sancta.


One of the key features of Dark Ambient – Soundscapes – Noise is its ability to transport the listener to different worlds through its immersive and intricate soundscapes.

The music can be incredibly evocative, and it is often used in films, television shows, and video games to create a particular mood or atmosphere. Many fans of Dark Ambient – Soundscapes – Noise appreciate the genre’s boundary-pushing and experimental nature, as it can challenge traditional musical norms and expectations.

Overall, Dark Ambient – Soundscapes – Noise is a unique and intriguing genre of music that continues to push boundaries and challenge conventions. Its immersive and unsettling soundscapes are popular among fans of experimental music and continue to inspire new generations of musicians and artists.